temporary failure

英 [ˈtemprəri ˈfeɪljə(r)] 美 [ˈtempəreri ˈfeɪljər]

网络  临时故障; 暂时失效; 临时失败



  1. The temporary failure is not a definite end but a new beginning of the exploration.
  2. Process exceptions are often caused due to temporary errors such as connectivity failure, timeouts, or design time code errors.
  3. If archive logging fails, write to the temporary directory called GSDB_failure.
  4. On envy: If you want a lifetime of temporary alliances with peers who will glory in your every failure, write novels.
  5. Recording of { 0} began late on { 1} due to a temporary failure or loss of power and stopped on { 2}.
  6. While recording { 0}, the computer lost power or experienced a temporary failure. Part of the show was not recorded.
  7. { 0} was not recorded due to a temporary failure or loss of power.
  8. In the study tour, we have often encountered difficulties, setbacks, and even a temporary failure, which can not help but give us any cause for weariness psychology.
  9. The paper, by probing into salinger's Buddhistic thinking, expounds the hero Holden caulfield's character and fortune, and the cause of his temporary failure.
  10. Recording of { 0} began as scheduled on { 1} and was interrupted when the computer lost power or experienced a temporary failure.
  11. While recording { 0}, the computer lost power or experienced a temporary failure.
  12. Shoring engineering of deep excavation is the necessary part of temporary structure during the construction of foundation due to its low safety stock and high failure risk.
  13. The temporary function replacement and intensive support play a pivotal role in the treatment of patients with acute or chronic end-stage organ failure.
  14. While the temporary deficit unnecessarily obstructs the firm's development, the high profit may conceal financial failure caused by bad capital turnover.
  15. Conclusions Temporary amenorrhea may not mean ovarian dysfunction or failure.
  16. Thinking on reduction of DF_4 locomotive temporary repair failure
  17. However, the success rate of mergers and acquisitions is relatively low, a large number of enterprises in order to expand the scale of mergers and acquisitions although blind eye to obtain a temporary effect, but faces a huge risk, if mishandled can lead to failure.
  18. In a dynamic environment, the competitive advantage of organizations is quickly from a temporary state to another temporary advantage. Such, sticking to the past advantages and trying to delay the changes, the organization should lead to a failure.
  19. Temporary failure did not erase the hope. Their pursuit for a new life still went go.
  20. To solve the actual problems that exit in the scheduling, such as temporary inserting orders, modifying orders and machine failure, the scheduling system should adapt to the dynamic scheduling conditions and make the new scheduling objective and original scheduling objective of consistency and succession.